Secrets Of Power Negotiating For Sales Professionals

Do you look at a master negotiator and wonder how he does it? How does he command the table with his look, his voice, his body language; how he transfixes the audience and makes them see things his way even when they have almost no reason to? The power negotiator is a master of persuasion, drawing out concessions and compromise even from the most impossible of situations. Many say that this ability is something a person is born with; it cannot be learned. Those people are wrong. Here are the six secrets of power negotiating for sales professionals that we feel can help you to become a power negotiator.

Don't lose track of the agenda. Every time you sit at the negotiating table, make sure there is a fixed agenda, and the discussion does not deviate from it. The moment you let the subject of discussion slip out of your hands, you will be unprepared, and that is exactly what the people on the other side want.

Don't be afraid to ask for more, especially when the deal is almost finalized. If the deal is near completion, the other party would be more receptive to your suggestions so that they can close the deal. You can gain many small concessions and extras this way.

Don't just talk, listen. Sometimes, silence is a better negotiator than the most eloquent speech. Often, the other party will talk more than he wants to just to break the silence, giving away valuable information in the process.

Show that you are willing to walk away, and sometimes do so. Walking away is not taboo; if the deal does not suit you, it's the best thing you can do. Of course, this is an extreme step, but don't put yourself in a position where walking away isn't even an option.

Let them make the offer. When you make your offer, it's a bit of a gamble because it shows how far you are willing to go. If their offer is unacceptable, negotiation can begin anyway, but sometimes they will quote a number well within your range. This saves you a lot of headaches.

Noe that you know the six secrets of power negotiating for sales professionals, you too can begin your journey to becoming a power negotiator. Remember, it's not an easy process, but the rewards are certainly worth it because as you already know, being a good negotiator is crucial to being a good sales professional.